NMC001 New Mexi-Castaways Beginnings

Rosa Linda

Recorded: February 10, 2015
Location: New Mexico
Subject: Introducing New Mexi-Castaways and sharing New Mexicast’s backstory.

Hello Friends!

February of 2015 was a period of what I like to call the “Liminal Space” of my life. It is a term I learned from one of my favorite podcasts, Zen Parenting Radio. One of the hosts, Cathy Cassani Adams, described it as the space between things; the time after one thing ends and before the next begins. In my mind, this is where the magic happens in life; the place where you process and prepare. I almost picture it sort of like the Wood between the Worlds that C.S. Lewis wrote about in the Chronicles of Narnia. The trouble is that you generally don’t know you are in the Liminial Space until after it is already over.

So it was for me, 4 years ago. I had just finished a working-too-much time in my life as I had successfully converted my video podcast, New Mexicast to a weekly, half-hour TV show for 2 full seasons. As a one-woman-band with 3 kids, I was exhausted and unsure of what I wanted to do next. Buying a boat to live aboard wasn’t even on the radar yet. I was just hanging out there in that comfortable, Liminal Space, trying to figure it all out.

That’s when I started working through my thoughts via audio recordings. Kind of like sending a voicemail to myself. Eventually, I would record the process of buying the boat, using the KonMari method to downsize our house to move onto the boat and many day-to-day experiences of actually living aboard. Over time, I realized that I had amassed quite a collection of these recordings. Now, with the help of an editor, I am taking the questionable step of releasing these episodes into the world as an audio podcast called, “New Mexicast” or “New Mexi-Castaways.”

This is the first of many episodes to come. If you enjoy it and wish to hear the new episodes as they are released, please consider subscribing to the show in iTunes. And if you really like what you hear, please consider joining the New Mexi-Castaways Crew of supporters on Patreon.

Thanks for all your support! See you again next week.

Lots of love,
Rosa Linda

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Episode Transcript:

Okay. I think it's time to start doing some recording. I am Rosa Linda Román and I've done a lot of things in my life. I could fall under many different categories as probably just about anyone who's 43 years old has done. But I think probably the thing most people know me as is either a mother of three, which is my latest project I have at this time. Our son is 4, Samuel is four years old. we have Ahava and she is 10 and my middle child is Ziva and she's 8. And they take up a lot of my time, but they are obviously my heart and my happiness and many good things are in there with the raising of children. But there's a whole different side of me. Before I had kids, I had a career and that was in broadcasting. I worked in the mainstream media for about 12 years before I had my first daughter. And after that I branched out. And after my second daughter was born, I created my own video podcast. Um, because I wanted to do the, use my skills and do reporting, but I didn't want to I didn't want to give up the time with my family. And so I found a better balance for me by doing independent reporting on my independent show called New Mexicast. And that was when Ziva, who's now eight was four months old is when I launched New Mexicast. And I worked on it on and off for several years, posting stories on the Internet whenever I could, but I never was consistent because obviously I had little ones, really little ones. And I also it was very difficult making the transition from mainstream media. My last job was main anchor in Monterrey, California at KION46 CBS station. And, um, from that, going to the shocking experience, delightfully shocking, but definitely shocking experience of being a mom full time made a major shift for me in my life, which I'm sure many women or if dad stayed home, it probably had the same experience. Anyway, so I did launch New Mexicast because I wanted to do independent reporting, tell stories, the fascinating things, people I meet, and the fascinating things we do along the way. but it really was quite a learning experience to figure out how to get that video podcast together and produce it and what I needed to do for the website and how to make it happen in so many other ways. And once I finally got the mechanics down of it, then just staying on top of it and trying to actually create the content was a whole new challenge. I didn't have a producer you know, or a deadline hovering over me telling me I had to get things done. So sometimes when I first started, the stories were posted every other week and then it became every other month and then every few months, and then my family moved on to a boat. Yep. A 42 foot sailing catamaran called Hakuna Matata, which means "no worries." And after I moved onto the boat, it became even more sporadic for me posting stories on New Mexicast because we were out living our lives, which is great. But eventually we moved off the boat after a year and once we moved back to dry land because Samuel was coming along, um, that's when I wanted to get back and really focus on getting New Mexicast in order and creating something a little bit more consistent. So I did start posting stories, but it wasn't until a few years ago I was approached or a friend of mine put me in touch with a local station called Upublic in Albuquerque or UABQ. it's basically the public access channel, but they have revamped things in recent years to make it much more, um, I dunno, it's, it's just a much more interesting channel than I think the public perception of a public station a lot of times is like a kid with a camera and he's sitting in his garage doing something that maybe you would have no interest watching. Um, I think the content is much more professional now. And, um, we met, I met with, um, the folks from Upublic and decided that I would put New Mexicast, um, their channel. The benefit for me obviously is, um, more viewers and the benefit, um, for them is they get the content which they can then put their public service announcements and other things in a quality show. Um, I also was given the, um half of the ad space within that show, that half-hour show. But we'll get to that eventually when we talk more about the business of New Mexicast and how I got to where I am now and where I'm going in the future. anyway, that point instead of sporadic stories, you know, I do maybe a five minute feature story about, um, whatever end of trail at a cowboy action shooting competition. I do a story on that posted on the Internet and that stood alone with the show on UABQ. I changed it and transformed it into a weekly half hour show. So to fill that half-hour, each episode had to have two or three stories and it had to happen every week, which was a huge change. As an independent reporter when I was working at local stations, it wasn't a huge deal to do a whole bunch of contents because I've come to figure out that I do better with a deadline and unfortunately sometimes if I don't have someone pushing me, I don't get it done because everything else takes precedent. So New Mexicast became this half-hour show every week. And I had some misses. I converted a lot of the content I had created for the video podcast into the content I used for the half-hour show. But the technology had changed tremendously in the six years since I created New Mexicast. And so I had a lot of troubleshooting sessions, spent a lot of sleepless nights trying to get the show together and launch. But eventually, I made it on the air and I got the half-hour show consistently, or mostly consistently, missed a few weeks, but did 13 weeks for the first season. Each season in a TV show typically is 13 episodes. So, I did 13 episodes of season one and then the station reran those 13 episodes while I worked on the content for season two and then we launched season two and I'm happy to report that I went through and completed those 13 episodes as well. So now at this point, I have a library of 26 full half-hour episodes and a half-hour of content is really 24 minutes of content of New Mexicast. So, and I believe there's 60 stories that I did total for those two seasons. All family-friendly, our tagline, well my tagline, I say “our,” but it's really just me. The tagline was, “Enchanting stories about interesting people in places in New Mexico and beyond.” So that's a little bit about the background that got me to this point. I am now working on the next evolution of New Mexicast and the next evolution of our personal lives. As you probably guessed from the fact that we lived on a boat we are an adventurous family. We like to do a lot of things and travel. That's part of where I get all of my stories from. I'm getting to a point where my kids are old enough that I can start moving towards some of the bigger things I have and my husband and I my husband is Nathan by the way. Some of the bigger things we have planned together, um, we are starting to plant the seeds and work toward creating that in the very near future. So that is going to be a, what I talk about. I debated, there's so many things that I have coming up and I wondered if I wanted it to be more of the New Mexicast format where, um, it's a very professionally edited, written, you know shot, written, edited, and produced content but takes so long to get things done. Or if I want to just get started on, on getting some of this out there. Some of you may be interested to hear the backstory of New Mexicast and, um, hopefully as we move forward with the next steps, hopefully, that'll interest you as well. So, for now I just, I'm going to leave it at that and say that there's many interesting things on the horizon and I hope to share them with you here as they evolve. Thanks for listening. Bye.

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